Category Archives: Hotel

Local Guide now available online!

WC66 International IntelligenceWe’ll have some printed copies of this at the information desk, but you can download a copy for yourself now!



Local Food and Fun Guide

Important Travel Advisory: Arden Way exit closed July 4 evening!

fireworks12Note correction: the hours of closure are actually 9pm-11:30! 

Important traffic update: the Arden Way exit off 80B/160 will be closed from 9:00pm  to 11:30pm on Thursday the 4th due to the fireworks at Cal Expo.

If you are arriving at the hotel in that window, you’ll need a different route!

Food, Fun, and Places of Fannish Interest


Hotel Reservations Are Now Open!

Westercon 66 is pleased to announce that room reservations at the Hilton Arden West are now open!

We have negotiated a room rate of $109/night for single/double/triple/quad occupancy for the dates July 3 through July 9, 2013

Reservations may be made via our custom reservation page or by using the group code WES in the main Hilton reservation system.

Contact if you have any questions.

Hotel Announcement!

(blare of interstellar trumpets)

Westercon 66 is pleased as punch to announce that we have our hotel!

We will inhabit time and space July 4th-7th, 2013, in the Hilton Arden West, located only minutes from the state capitol and Old Town. Early arrivals will have fireworks aplenty to ooh and aaaah at! The ginormous Arden Fair Mall awaits your shopping pleasure equally nearby, in case you need a final touch for your hall costume, or just want to check out the enormity of it.

Room pricing is a simple $109/room/night, regardless of size. Parking is complimentary. The hotel is non-smoking, and offers wi-fi, as well as all of the function space we need!

Of course, we’re still over a year out, so the rooms aren’t available yet for reservation, but now you know where you’re going to hang your hat, or helmet.

Start making your plans to get to Westercon 66 – it’s gonna be awesome!