
Westercon 66 would like to thank the following groups and individuals for helping to sponsor our convention:

  • Reno Convention Fandom, Inc. and Renovation, the 69th World Science Fiction Convention, for its generous grant to assist with GOH expenses
  • CanSMOF, parent corporation for Anticipation, the 67th World Science Fiction Convention, for its generous grant to assist with GOH travel expenses.
  • The Friday appearance by the Phenomenauts is possible due to generous donations by members Mette Hedin and Kevin Roche
  • The Friday appearance by UnWoman is also due to a generous donation by members.

If you or your organization are interested in being a sponsor, there are many different ways in which you may do so.

Be a Sponsor Right Now Using PayPal!

Several special aspects to Westercon 66 are only possible because members and fans donated personally to make them happen.

Friday Music Night

While the Phenomenauts appearance was made possible by very generous sponsorships from Mette Hedin and Kevin Roche, their donations did not quite cover the entire cost. If you would like to chime in and help defray the expense of the concert, use this button:

Special Guests Fund

A number of fans teamed up to make it possible for us to bring Special Costume Guests John and Bjo Trimble to Westercon 66. If you’d like to donate to that sponsorship, use this button:

Just Feeling Generous?

If you’d just like to contribute something to help us make Westercon 66 more awesome for everyone, you can use this button:

Please note: donations to the Music Night and Special Guest funds in excess of expenses for those items will be rolled in to the general funds for the convention. We promise to put them to good use!


Contact the chairs for more information. 

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