Monthly Archives: April 2013

Press Release: Westercon 66 Site Selection Ballot Now Available

PO Box 61363, Sunnyvale CA 94088-1363 USA;
For immediate release: Thursday, 25 APR 2013


The deadline for bids to be listed on the Westercon site selection ballot has passed. San Diego in 2015 will be the only bid listed on this year’s ballot.

info this way!

Westercon 66’s intrepid co-chairs have made a few media appearances in the podcastverse:

JackalCast 010 (talking all about Westercon, naturally)
Nerdvana episodes 5a-5d (talking about Doctor Who, with Westercon news cleverly slipped in along the way):

Help Wanted at the Art Show

Are you arriving early to Westercon 66 or staying late?

Elayne Pelz says: The Art Show needs help setting up and tearing down the panels.  Starting at 4:00 pm on July 3 until done and then again at 4:00 pm July 7 until done.
The more the merrier!  Contact me at

DMs needed!

Want to run a game at Westercon 66? Talk to us about it at!

Pass the Toast!

David_Gerrold_startrekWe are super pleased to announce that David Gerrold, Hugo and Nebula award winning writer (and author of the beloved Star Trek – The Original Series Tribbles episodes), will be our Toastmaster!

David is funny and personable and will know how to stretch keep the audience eager for the next event. You can visit his blog here, and see him live in July at Westercon 66! Check out the Guests of Honor page for more information.